Λαχνοί που χτυπάω:
Αρ. Λαχνού |
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Ακυρώνω |
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Τιμή |
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Δημοπρασία 274
Ταξινόμηση κατά: |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (1/13), 13 values cpl. set. Certified by Orestes Vlastos Ltd. RRR and SUPERB
2800.00€ |
2800.00€ |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (4), 5 lep. deep green. VF
125.00€ |
Απούλητο |
POSTCARD franked with Mount Athos 5 lep. in two marginal pairs (Vl. 4), cancelled with "ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ 11.12.1924". Rare and VF
800.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (4a), 5 lep. with fallen "ς". VF
150.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (5+5a), 5 lep. in B4, the upper right stamp with fallen "ς". VF
300.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (5a), 5 lep. with fallen "ς". VF
90.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (5a), 5 lep. marginal copy, with fallen "ς". VF
45.00€ |
45.00€ |
POSTCARD of the Bairakli Mosque in Janina, franked with Mount Athos 10 lep. X 2 (Vl. 6), cancelled with "ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ 10.12.1924". Rare and VF
400.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (8), 25 lep. ultramarine. VF
110.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (8+8a), 25 lep. in pair, the right stamp with fallen "ς". VF
300.00€ |
Απούλητο |
COVER from Athens to Ioannina dated 17.12.24, taxed with 2 X 25 lep. Mount Athos (Vl. 8) + 10 lep. vertical pair and 1 Dr. (Vl. D79, D86). Rare and VF
250.00€ |
350.00€ |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (22), 15 lep./3 lep. VF
500.00€ |
Απούλητο |
MOUNT ATHOS: HOLY PARISH (29), 15 lep./2 Drs. Rare and VF
500.00€ |
Απούλητο |
COVER (cut open for display) from USA to Mount Athos franked with 5 c. Lincoln, cancelled with "LOWELL MASS. * 20.1.1904", transit "BOSTON", "NEW YORK", "CONTANTINOPLE-GALATA 2.2.1904"and bilingual "SALONIQUE". VF
30.00€ |
30.00€ |
SMALL COVER without stamps from Military Camp to Mount Athos. Postmarks "ΣΤΡ. ΤΑΧ." , "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 11.3.16" and "ΚΑΡΥΑΙ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΟΡΟΥΣ 6.3.16". VF
30.00€ |
30.00€ |
REGISTERED COVER from Karyes Mount Athos - via Salonica - to Russia dated 17.3.18, franked with 10 lep. marginal strip of 5 Venizelos, censured by Military Postal Control. It was returned to sender 1.4.18. VF
200.00€ |
280.00€ |
REGISTERED LETTER RECEIPT from Neapolis Crete to Mount Athos franked with 20 lep. strip of 3 Lithographic, cancelled with "ΝΕΑΠΟΛΙΣ 9.7.1924", transit "ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟΝ", "ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ", arrival "ΚΑΡΥΑΙ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΟΡΟΥΣ 20.7.24". VF
25.00€ |
45.00€ |
COVER from Skete St. Andrew Mount Athos to Prague Czechoslovakia, franked with 17 lithographic stamps (2 lep. strip of 4 and single, 5 lep. pair, 10 lep. B6 and pair, 1 Dr. pair). Transit cds Salonica 25.2.27. VF
100.00€ |
Απούλητο |
COVER from Karyes Mount Athos to Athens dated 24.3.32, franked with 10 lep. X 7 and 40 lep. X 2 Landscapes I. VF
50.00€ |
Απούλητο |
COVER from Karyes Mount Athos to Athens, franked with 1 Dr., 2 Drs. Landscapes II, cancelled with "ΚΑΡΥΑΙ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΟΡΟΥΣ". VF
30.00€ |
30.00€ |