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Lot 1058
Lot 1058 (Vlastos Catalogue No. 49ε, Coundouros study "The control Numbers and The Classification Of The stamps Of The Large Hermes Heads" Number 48.1 page 122). The calligrafic "4" of the control numbers on the 40 lepta of 1871 edition. This spectacular error is very rare as it was corrected very soon. The "0" of the control numbers is the same with all the normal "40" in position 141 of this edition. The calligraphic figure was used in the "ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΔΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΒΕΡΝΗΣΕΩΣ" (= GOVERNEMENT BULLETIN) during 1874. this error is UNIQUE, as never again a different font was used on the same plate in any value (Philotelia Number 592, Sep-Oct 1998, pages 199 - 202). The stamp is touched but only two copies are known till now. Certified by ORESTES VLASTOS Ltd. (Chris Bellias and John Coundouros). Starting Price 35,000 ?
Starting price: 35000.00€
Sold price: Unsold
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